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The NZPFU has provided all necessary information to FENZ for the reimbursement of the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums paid directly to the NZPFU insurance account between 1 July 2023 and 3 June 2024 (when FENZ commenced direct payment to Protect).  Members in the NZPFU Protect Income Protection scheme do not need to do anything further.  We are waiting for FENZ to confirm when the reimbursement will be made to the bank account you receive your wages.

For all other income protection and life insurance claims for reimbursement of premiums paid for polices between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 the attached spreadsheet provided by FENZ must be completed and sent to  Also attached is an explanation document provided by FENZ.

The NZPFU advises that the breakdown you should provide on the spreadsheet for each relevant policy should include:

  • Life Insurance portion including associated benefits
  • Income protection including associated benefits
  • Administration fees
  • GST

The NZPFU has repeatedly documented the unacceptable shambles the reimbursement process for the 2022-2023 year was and continues to be for some members.  FENZ made the process ridiculously hard and complex and in doing so were undermining the agreement reached and the confidence members had in the process.  We continue to battle those issues including correspondence today highlighting the unacceptable delay in providing the requirements for the reimbursement which is supposed to occur in July.  This is the second year of this reimbursement scheme and still FENZ had not got the process sorted. We received the attached information late yesterday afternoon.  It should never have been this hard – the intention was to ensure that members were able to seek and be paid the reimbursement promptly.  We know this has been a massive frustration for members having to repeatedly correspond and follow up with FENZ personnel with information requested unnecessarily and unfairly complicating the matter.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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